Kansai International Academy

Kobe, Japan

Position Type: Teacher

Contract: Full Time

School: Elementary School

Location: Kobe

Closing Date: March 31, 2025

Job Start: April 2025

Elementary Teacher

Required Skills:

・Collaboration with Japanese partner and all other teachers and staff,
・Applying constructivist, inquiry approaches to all teaching and learning
・Differentiating learning for students as necessary
・Developing our curriculum and program further in collaboration with other teachers and staff
・Commitment and motivation toward continual professional development
・Open-mindedness to Japanese culture and customs in the workplace

Qualification and Experience:

・Bachelor degree in Elementary Education
・A teaching certificate from your home country (or another English speaking country)
・Teaching experience in a cross-cultural environment (preferred)
・Teaching experience with students whose English is not their mother tongue (preferred)
・Teaching experience in an IB school with elementary age students(preferred)

Benefits and Training:

In addition to the monthly salary, travel expenses are paid up to a maximum of 25,000 yen per month and health insurance is provided. Holidays are set as follows: one week for Golden Week (May), two weeks for summer (August), three weeks for winter (Dec-Jan) and two weeks for spring (March). Relocation allowance. Additional monthly addition for teaching certificate.

IB training will be provided for all staff in addition to the company induction. An introductory IB workshop will be arranged for all new teachers (unless already attended elsewhere) followed by other official and unofficial IB-related workshops. There are also frequent opportunities for visits to IB and non-IB schools for professional development.


Click here for the full job description - PDF file

Application Form

Section 1

1. Personal Details

2. Teaching Qualifications

3. Education

List all your school results and qualifications, most recent first. Please include dates as well as school and university names and locations.

Institution Name/Location Qualifications/Results Dates Action

Section 2

1. Current Employment Details

If currently not employed please list most recent employment details and dates.

Current employer name*
Current employer postal address*
Current employer country
Current employer website
Current post held
Current monthly salary before tax, in JPY.*
Type of school
Number of students on roll
Date appointed (YYYY-MM-DD)

2. Previous Teaching / Employment Experience (most recent first)

Type of School Country Name of School/Company Post Held Number on Roll Dates Action

3. Personal interests, including extracurricular activities

4. Details of any significant illness during last 2 years, including days off sick in last 12 months


1. Referees

Referees must be previous Head Teacher or line managers. Colleagues will not be accepted as referees.

School Name / Company Name*
Professional relation to you*
May we take this reference now?*

School Name / Company Name*
Professional relation to you*
May we take this reference now?*

School Name / Company Name*
Professional relation to you*
May we take this reference now?*

2. Availability

Please indicate any dates you are not available for interview
Please indicate the date of availability to start working



This is a post which involves working directly with children. You are therefore required to declare whether you have any criminal convictions.

Please Note

>>If your application is successful, prior to taking up your post, you will be required to undergo a background check. This will require you to complete a separate consent form and to provide more than one piece of documentary evidence of your identity.

>>Although a criminal record involving offences against children is likely to debar you from appointment of this type of post, the existence of other criminal convictions will not necessarily be a bar to employment.

>>Any criminal record information arising out of the background check process will be discussed with you before any final decision is made about your employment.

Are you or have you ever been the subject of a disciplinary procedure related to your work with children? If yes please give details here.*

Do you have any convictions, cautions, reprimands or final warnings or equivalent in other countries in which you have lived? If yes please give details here.

Are you included in any list of people barred from working with children in any of the countries in which you have lived? If yes please give details here.

Visa Status and Validity Period (if currently in Japan)

Upload Documents

Please make sure your file names contain only alphanumeric characters (no special characters).

Required Documents:

(PDF files only - Max 3MB)

(PDF files only - Max 3MB)

(jpg, jpeg, png files only - Max 3MB)

Optional Documents (if applies):

(PDF, jpg, jpeg, png files only - Max 3MB)

(PDF, jpg, jpeg, png files only - Max 3MB)

(PDF, jpg, jpeg, png files only - Max 3MB)


I declare that everything is true in this application form.


KIA places the highest priority in protecting the students in our care. By submitting an application form, you are stating that you have never harmed children, adolescents or vulnerable people either physically, sexually or emotionally. You are also stating categorically that there is no reason why you should not work in a school setting with children. You also confirm that you are free from any criminal record, spent or otherwise, in any jurisdiction, with regard to offenses (or cautions/warnings) which may be deemed relevant to employment with young people at KIA. You also consent to KIA conducting a full background check on you as a condition of any contract offer made, and understand that KIA has the right to rescind any offer of employment should there be any concerns raised through those checks. Prospective employees are also informed that any adult behaviors which contravene a professional standard of decency/respect, constitute sexual, physical or emotional abuse and/or are otherwise an infringement of a student’s right to physical and emotional safety are grounds for immediate dismissal. You understand that you will be asked to sign this statement at the time of accepting any offer of employment from KIA.

KIAでは、児童・生徒の保護を最優先に考えています。KIAの職務に応募をすることは、これまでに子ども、青少年、または弱者に身体的、性的、情緒的な危害を加えたことがないことを表明していることになります。また、教育施設・学校という子どもと関わる仕事をしてはいけない理由はないと申告しているとみなします。さらに、いかなる法域においても、犯罪歴、留置歴、その他の犯罪歴がなく、KIAにおいて児童・生徒と関わる雇用に関連していると考えられる犯罪(または注意・警告)に関与したことがないと確認します。また、応募の際の条件としてKIAがあなたの身元調査を行うことに同意し、それらの調査を通じて懸念が生じた場合には、KIAが雇用の申し出を取り消す権利があることを理解しています。また、候補者においては、雇用後に職業上の行動規範や尊敬の基準に反したり、性的、身体的、精神的虐待、および/または身体的、精神的安全に対する子どもの権利を侵害する行為が認められれば直ちに解雇となります。KIA からの雇用の申し出を受け入れる際には、この内容に同意する署名が求められることをあらかじめご理解ください。

I Agree

Only complete applications, including all the documents listed above, will be considered. It should be understood that nothing in this form constitutes a contract.